
New Chat Abbreviations

Baby steps on msn

Here I am chatting with my friend on msn.. and my niece (joud, five years old) comes running to me, shouting “I want to write to her”.. I welcome it as it should turn interesting.. and indeed that’s how it was..

She writes on the keyboard silently and I enter it for her.. then I ask what did you mean by that joud.
She reads her smartly abbreviated phrase I laught and then re-write it so my friend could share this laughter =)

We start off:
introducing herself:

Joud: joud5daniolb6
**consider thinking before you read the intended meaning**
>> joud 5 then I will be 6

Like all kids, her second priority is of course her parents’ names
then some winks and face

>> can u bring for saja a gift

Joud: ablos01midimtanuo
>> a blouse 10 medium thank you

My friend asks: "tell saja to bring me a gift"
Joud: otuwnt
>>wut u want?

she is now looking for any question.. so this is what she tought of:
Joud: what anmls et
>> wut animals eat?

Joud: wurulf
>> y r u laughing.

My Friend: "do you watch barny ?:
Joud: no i dont
(( I now taught her about spaces..)) This is the most fascinating part;
on paper when we start learning to write we measure a space with a finger..
so in her mind it should be just the same..
she writes ‘I’ then presses the spacebar.. but of course this is not enough so she places her finger on the screen and presses one more time and then another one and another.. but still it’s not enough, she gets bored pressing single spaces one at a time..
smiling & admiring her reaction.. I let her into the secret of the space rule.. “one is enough”!

“ilv uoy” Joud wrote before.. and now she wanted to state her love for both of us..
Joud: ilv uoyandsaja
Somehow, spontaneously innocently, she asks me if she could duplicate what she wrote minutes ago and place it again here..
I was just amazed by her question as much as of the human brain.. how could she recognize the copy and paste technique at this age??
I show her and she understands it easily and continues normally.. how silly of me to expect a surprised response !!

My Friend: "i want to go joud"
Joud: ora
Joud was devastated to know this fact.. she was nagging and asking me to convince my friend not to leave

Joud: wat amnt
>>wait a min
but my friend had already left..

I'm sad as Joud is for the end of this conversation..

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